Advanced Features

Sales Agent

Effortless Sales Agent Management and Commission Tracking

The Sales Agent Management Module streamlines managing sales agents and their commissions. Admins can set commission rates, track sales data, and oversee agent activities. Agents get personalized dashboards to handle customer profiles, track orders, and view their earnings, enhancing team performance and revenue.

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Sales Agent Benefits

Enhance Team Performance

Assign different permissions and roles to your sales team, keeping them accountable and ensuring they stay on track. This feature also allows you to limit access to sensitive information based on user roles.

Sales Agent Self-Service Portal

Enable your agents to manage their requests and updates through a dedicated self-service portal. This reduces the need for administrative support and helps in maintaining proactive relationships with agents.

Faster Commission Processing

Access detailed records of policies and commissions, enabling you to process payments quickly and efficiently. This transparency allows you to monitor the financial health of your agency and make informed decisions.

Key Features

Get key insights with a comprehensive dashboard for sales metrics, manage agent profiles and programs, track orders linked to agents, and assign tasks for efficient team collaboration.

Comprehensive Dashboard

Access an overview of key metrics, including total agents, active/inactive statuses, and order values, offering quick insights into sales performance. This feature provides a centralized view of your sales team’s activities, helping you monitor performance and make data-driven decisions to optimize sales efforts.

Agent Management

Easily manage sales agent profiles by adding, editing, and monitoring their activities, with a clear summary of each agent’s status. This feature ensures that you can efficiently oversee your sales force, track their progress, and maintain up-to-date records, improving overall team management.

Agent Programs

Create and manage tailored sales agent programs, with options to filter by groups and individual agents. This feature offers detailed insights into program performance, allowing you to customize and optimize sales initiatives that align with your business goals, driving better results.

Order Management

Track and manage orders linked to specific sales agents, including details on status, value, and delivery progress, with an option to export data. This feature ensures that all orders are closely monitored, providing transparency and accuracy in the sales process, which helps in timely and efficient order fulfillment.

Task Management

Assign and track tasks within the module to enhance team collaboration and ensure that tasks are completed efficiently. This feature improves accountability and coordination among your sales team, ensuring that all assigned tasks are completed on time and contributing to overall sales success.

Discover Other Features

Advanced Filtering and Sorting

Quickly find and organize sales agent data, commissions, and order histories.

Export Functionality

Export data and reports to various formats, making it easier to analyze and share information.

Role-Based Access Control

Ensure sensitive information is accessible only to authorized personnel with customizable user roles.

Customizable Notifications

Tailor notifications to alert agents and admins about important updates and events.

Explore BizCore

Experience seamless financial management tailored for SMEs. Boost efficiency, ensure compliance, and make data-driven decisions with Bizcore’s cloud accounting software.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I manage sales agent profiles in Bizcore?

The Sales Agent Management Module allows you to easily create and manage user profiles for your sales agents. Each agent can access the system with their own credentials, managing only the customers and orders assigned to them.

Can I automatically calculate commissions for sales agents?

Yes, the module enables automatic calculation of commissions based on predefined percentages. You can also access a detailed history of commissions earned by each agent, ensuring transparency and accuracy in payments.

What features are available in the Sales Agent Portal?

The Sales Agent Portal provides agents with access to a dashboard, sales agent programs, product and customer management, purchase management, inventory management, sales management, and reports. This self-service portal empowers agents to manage their tasks and updates independently.

How can I track orders linked to sales agents?

The Order Management feature within the module allows you to track and manage orders linked to sales agents. You can view details such as order status, value, and delivery progress, with options to export data for further analysis.

What tools are available for enhancing team performance?

You can assign different permissions and roles to your sales team within the module, ensuring accountability and focus. This feature helps you manage access to sensitive information and keeps your team aligned with business goals.

How does the module support commission processing?

The module provides access to detailed records of policies and commissions, enabling faster and more efficient commission processing. This helps maintain transparency and supports informed decision-making regarding your sales agents’ performance and compensation.

Can I manage sales agent programs in Bizcore?

Yes, the module allows you to create and manage tailored sales agent programs. You can filter programs by groups and agents, offering detailed insights and ensuring that your programs are aligned with business objectives.

What reporting capabilities are included in the module?

The module includes various reporting tools, such as invoices report, purchase orders report, total income by sale invoices, and total expenses by purchase orders. These reports provide valuable insights into your sales performance and financial health.

How does role-based access control work in the module?

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) allows you to ensure that sensitive information is accessible only to authorized personnel. You can customize user roles and permissions to protect your data and maintain security within the system.

Can I customize notifications for agents and admins?

Yes, the module offers customizable notifications, allowing you to tailor alerts and updates to the needs of your agents and administrative staff. This helps keep everyone informed about important events and changes.

What integrations are available?

The module integrates with Inventory Management, allowing seamless management of sales and inventory processes. This integration ensures that all relevant data is synchronized and accessible across different modules.

Is it possible to export data from the Sales Agent Management Module?

Yes, the module includes export functionality, allowing you to export data and reports in various formats. This makes it easier to analyze information and share it with stakeholders for decision-making purposes.