Core Features

Web to Lead Form

Web to Lead Form Creation and Management

The Web to Lead Form feature allows you to create custom forms to capture leads directly from your website. These forms can be fully customized, integrated into your site via iframe, and are designed to automatically feed lead data into Bizcore. This guide covers the setup process, including form creation, field customization, branding, submission handling, and notification settings.

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Web-to-Lead Advantages

Streamlined Lead Capture

Easily create forms to capture leads directly from your website, ensuring all potential customer information is efficiently gathered and stored in one place.

Customizable Forms

Customize form fields, design, and submission settings to match your brand and specific lead capture requirements.

Automated Lead Assignment

Automatically assign leads to specific team members based on predefined criteria, ensuring prompt follow-up and better lead management.

Key Features

Discover essential features like custom form creation, branding options, and seamless integration designed to optimize your lead generation process within BizCore.

Custom Form Creation

Easily create and customize lead capture forms with a variety of fields, including custom fields. This feature allows you to build intuitive and personalized forms tailored to your specific needs, ensuring that you capture the most relevant information from potential customers.

Branding and Styling

Customize the appearance of your forms, including submit button text and colors to match your brand identity. This feature ensures that your lead capture forms seamlessly integrate with your website’s design, providing a consistent and professional look that resonates with your audience.

Submission Handling

Set up custom messages or redirect users to another webpage after they submit the form, with options to prevent duplicate leads and handle lead data effectively. This feature enhances user experience by providing immediate feedback and ensures that lead information is accurately processed and stored.

Notifications and Auto Assignment

Automatically assign leads to specific team members and notify them via email or in-app notifications upon form submission. This feature streamlines lead management by ensuring that each lead is promptly followed up, improving response times and increasing conversion rates.

Integration and Embedding

Generate iframe codes to easily embed forms on your website, landing pages, or share directly via links, with support for SSL and non-SSL configurations. This feature simplifies the integration of lead capture forms into your online presence, making it easy to collect leads from multiple platforms.

Discover Other Features

Form Management

View and manage all created forms from a centralized dashboard, including editing, exporting, or deleting forms.

Field Customization

Adjust field labels, add placeholders, help text, and make fields required based on your form requirements.

Source and Status Assignment

Automatically assign a lead source and status to leads generated through the form, streamlining your lead management process.

Direct Link Sharing

Share forms directly with customers via email, SMS, or social media, offering a flexible way to collect leads outside of your website.

Advanced CSS Styling

Apply custom CSS styles to forms for a consistent look and feel across your online presence.

Thank You Redirects

Customize the post-submission experience by displaying a thank you message or redirecting users to a specific URL.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How can I create a custom lead capture form in Bizcore?

The Web to Lead Form feature allows you to create and customize lead capture forms using a drag-and-drop interface. You can add various fields, customize the design, and configure submission settings to match your specific needs.

Can I integrate lead capture forms directly into my website?

Yes, you can easily integrate lead capture forms into your website using iframe codes. The forms can be embedded on any web page, landing page, or shared directly via links, and support both SSL and non-SSL configurations.

How does the module handle lead assignment?

The Web to Lead Form feature allows for automated lead assignment based on predefined criteria. When a new lead is captured, it can be automatically assigned to specific team members, ensuring prompt follow-up and efficient lead management.

Can I customize the appearance of my lead capture forms?

Yes, you can fully customize the appearance of your lead capture forms, including the submit button text, colors, logos, and overall design. This helps ensure that the forms align with your brand identity and provide a cohesive user experience.

How are form submissions handled and managed?

You can set up custom messages or redirect users to a specific webpage after they submit the form. Additionally, the module includes options to prevent duplicate leads and manage lead data effectively, ensuring that each lead is tracked throughout the sales process

What notification options are available when a new lead is captured?

The module offers automated notifications, which can be sent via email or in-app notifications to relevant staff members whenever a new lead is captured. This ensures that no lead goes unnoticed and that communication is timely.

How does the Web to Lead Form prevent spam?

To protect your forms from spam, you can integrate Google Recaptcha, which helps ensure that only legitimate submissions are processed, keeping your lead data clean and reliable.

Can I customize field labels and add placeholders in the forms?

Yes, the module allows for extensive field customization, including adjusting field labels, adding placeholders, and providing help text. You can also make certain fields required to ensure all necessary information is collected.

What are the options for post-submission actions?

After a form is submitted, you can customize the user experience by displaying a thank you message or redirecting users to a specific URL. This feature enhances user engagement and provides clear next steps.

How can I manage and edit existing forms?

All created forms can be managed from a centralized dashboard, where you can view, edit, export, or delete forms as needed. This provides a streamlined way to keep your lead capture forms up-to-date and effective.

Is it possible to share forms outside of my website?

Yes, you can share lead capture forms directly with customers via email, SMS, or social media. This flexibility allows you to collect leads from various channels, not just from your website.

How does the Web to Lead Form feature integrate with Bizcore CRM?

The Web to Lead Form feature seamlessly integrates with Bizcore CRM processes, ensuring that all captured leads are automatically tracked and managed within the CRM system. This integration helps streamline your sales pipeline and improve overall lead management.