Advanced Features


Boost Productivity with Automated Workflow Management

BizCore’s Workflow Automation empowers teams to move beyond traditional task management by enabling the automation of repetitive tasks. This module allows you to create custom rules and actions that trigger automatically as tasks transition between different sections of your workflow. By automating routine actions such as task assignment, setting reminders, changing priorities, and more, you can significantly increase your team’s productivity and ensure that tasks move smoothly through your workflow.

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Workflows Feature Benefits

Automated Task Management

Save time and reduce manual effort by automating repetitive actions like task assignment, priority changes, and reminders, ensuring that your workflow stays on track.

Customizable Workflow Rules

Design your workflow to fit your business needs by creating unlimited rules that trigger specific actions as tasks move between sections, allowing for a tailored task management experience.

Enhanced Team Productivity

Empower your team to focus on high-priority work by automating routine tasks, leading to a surge in productivity and more efficient project completion.

Key Features

Explore key functionalities like task assignment automation, priority management, and file assignment automation, designed to enhance workflows efficiency within BizCore.

Task Assignment Automation

Automatically assign tasks to specific team members as they move through different sections of your workflow, ensuring that the right people are working on the right tasks at the right time. This feature streamlines task management, reducing manual effort and improving task allocation efficiency across your team.

Automated Reminders & Due Dates

Set up rules to automatically send reminders and adjust due dates based on task progression, helping your team stay on top of deadlines. This feature ensures that tasks are completed on time by keeping everyone informed and aligned with project timelines, enhancing overall productivity.

Priority Management

Automate priority changes for tasks based on predefined rules, ensuring that high-priority tasks are addressed promptly. This feature helps you maintain focus on the most critical tasks, allowing your team to allocate resources effectively and keep important projects moving forward.

Comment & Checklist Automation

Automatically add comments, checklists, and followers to tasks as they transition between sections, enhancing communication and task tracking. This feature improves collaboration by ensuring that all relevant information is documented and shared with the right team members at each stage of the workflow.

File Assignment Automation

Ensure that necessary files are attached to tasks by automating file assignments based on task status or section changes. This feature reduces the risk of missing or misplaced documents, ensuring that all essential files are available when needed, improving task efficiency and accuracy.

Section & Status Transitions

Create rules that automatically move tasks between sections or change their status, streamlining the workflow and reducing manual updates. This feature keeps your projects organized and ensures that tasks flow smoothly through each stage of your workflow, minimizing delays and errors.

Custom Rule Creation

Design custom rules tailored to your workflow needs, allowing for precise control over task automation and action sequences. This feature provides flexibility in how your workflow operates, enabling you to create a task management system that aligns perfectly with your business processes and goals.

Discover Other Features

Automated Task Completion

Automatically mark tasks as complete when they meet specific criteria, reducing the need for manual status updates.

Task Relation Management

Automate changes to task relations, such as moving a task from an invoice to an estimate, ensuring that related documents are always up-to-date.

Flexible Rule Sequencing

Order and sequence multiple actions to ensure that tasks are processed efficiently and in the correct order.

Scalable Workflow Solutions

Easily expand your workflow automation as your business processes evolve, ensuring that your team remains productive even as project complexity increases.

Explore BizCore

Experience seamless financial management tailored for SMEs. Boost efficiency, ensure compliance, and make data-driven decisions with Bizcore’s cloud accounting software.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Bizcore's Workflow Automation simplify task management?

BizCore’s Workflow Automation streamlines task management by automating repetitive actions like task assignment, priority changes, and sending reminders. This helps reduce manual effort, ensuring tasks move smoothly through your workflow and allowing your team to focus on more critical tasks.

Can I customize workflow rules in Bizcore’s Workflow Automation?

Yes, you can design custom workflow rules that trigger specific actions as tasks transition between different sections of your workflow. This allows you to tailor the automation to fit your business needs and ensure that tasks are managed efficiently.

How does task assignment automation work?

Task Assignment Automation allows you to automatically assign tasks to specific team members based on predefined rules. As tasks move through different sections of your workflow, they are assigned to the appropriate team members, ensuring the right people are working on the right tasks.

Can Bizcore's Workflow Automation manage task priorities?

Yes, you can automate priority changes for tasks based on predefined rules. This ensures that high-priority tasks are addressed promptly, keeping your workflow on track and ensuring that important tasks are prioritized correctly.

What options are available for automating reminders and due dates?

You can set up rules to automatically send reminders and adjust due dates as tasks progress through your workflow. This helps your team stay on top of deadlines and ensures that tasks are completed on time.

Can I automate the addition of comments, checklists, and files to tasks?

Yes, BizCore’s Workflow Automation allows you to automatically add comments, checklists, and files to tasks as they transition between sections. This enhances communication and ensures that all necessary information is attached to the task.

How does section and status transition automation work?

You can create rules that automatically move tasks between sections or change their status based on task progression. This streamlines your workflow and reduces the need for manual updates, ensuring tasks are always in the correct stage.

Can tasks be automatically marked as complete?

Yes, tasks can be automatically marked as complete when they meet specific criteria set within your workflow rules. This reduces the need for manual status updates and ensures that completed tasks are accurately recorded.

How does BizCore automate task relationships?

BizCore’s Workflow Automation can automate changes to task relations, such as moving a task from an invoice to an estimate. This ensures that related documents are always up-to-date and properly linked.

Is the interface for setting up workflow automation user-friendly?

Yes, BizCore offers a simple and intuitive interface that allows you to set up and manage workflow automation rules without needing technical expertise. This makes it easy for any team member to configure and adjust workflows as needed.

Can I scale my workflow automation as my business grows?

Yes, Bizcore’s Workflow Automation is scalable, allowing you to add more rules and actions as your business processes evolve. This ensures that your team remains productive even as project complexity increases.

What are the benefits of using Workflow Automation in Bizcore?

Workflow Automation in BizCore enhances team productivity, improves task organization, and reduces manual effort by automating routine actions. It keeps your projects organized, ensures tasks are prioritized correctly, and helps your team focus on more strategic work.