Core Features


Streamline Contract Management with BizCore Contracts Module

BizCore Contracts Module is a comprehensive tool designed to streamline the management of your business agreements. With BizCore, you can effortlessly create, track, and manage contracts, ensuring that all your important agreements are organized and accessible. This module simplifies the contract lifecycle, from creation and renewal to notifications and document management, giving you full control over your contracts.

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Contracts Feature Benefits

Efficient Contract Management

Create, edit, and manage all your contracts in one central location, ensuring that your agreements are always up-to-date and easily accessible.

Automated Renewal Tracking

Keep track of contract renewals with automated tracking and history logs, helping you stay on top of important deadlines.

Document Attachments & Sharing

Attach documents to contracts and share them with clients, ensuring all parties have access to the necessary information.

Key Features

Explore key functionalities like contract attachments, contract renewal, and contract templates, designed to enhance agreement efficiency within BizCore.

Contract Creation and Management

Easily create, edit, and manage contracts with fields for customer details, contract value, type, start and end dates, and custom content. This feature allows you to control visibility settings, ensuring that contracts are up-to-date, well-organized, and only accessible to those who need them.

Contract Content and PDF Generation

Add and edit contract content using a user-friendly built-in editor, then compile the content into a PDF for easy sharing with clients. This feature ensures that all contract versions are managed effectively, making document sharing simple and secure.

Contract Attachments

Upload and manage attachments for each contract, ensuring that all necessary documents are stored in one place. These attachments are visible to customers and can be easily downloaded, ensuring that everyone involved has access to the required information.

Contract Renewal

Simplify the contract renewal process by auto-populating existing contract details. This feature tracks all renewals with detailed history logs, ensuring that you stay on top of important contract milestones and deadlines without unnecessary manual effort.

Expiration Notifications

Set up customized notifications for contract expirations to ensure that you never miss a critical deadline. This feature allows you to specify who receives these alerts, including additional email notifications, helping you take timely action on expiring contracts.

Contract Templates

Create and manage predefined HTML templates for contracts, making it easy to use consistent content across multiple agreements. Insert templates directly into the contract editor for quick and easy contract creation.

Contract Summary and Analytics

View a comprehensive summary of all your contracts, including their status (active, expired, or about to expire). This feature also provides analytics on contract value by type, helping you monitor and manage your business agreements more effectively.

Trash and Archiving

Move outdated or irrelevant contracts to trash, with options to restore them later or permanently delete them. This feature helps you keep your contract database organized and free from clutter, making it easier to manage your current and active contracts.

Discover Other Features

Contract Value Management

Assign and track the value of each contract, ensuring accurate financial tracking within the module.

Contract Visibility Controls

Hide contracts from customers as needed, controlling which agreements are visible in the customer area.

Integrated Email Notifications

Customize email templates for contract-related notifications, ensuring timely and clear communication with clients.

PDF Export and Sharing

Export contracts as PDFs and share them via email directly from the module, simplifying document distribution.

Explore BizCore

Experience seamless financial management tailored for SMEs. Boost efficiency, ensure compliance, and make data-driven decisions with Bizcore’s cloud accounting software.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the BizCore Contracts Module?

The BizCore Contracts Module is a tool designed to simplify and streamline the management of business agreements. It allows you to create, track, renew, and manage contracts efficiently, ensuring that all your important agreements are well-organized and accessible.

How do I create a new contract in BizCore?

To create a new contract, navigate to the Contracts section and click on the “New Contract” button. Fill in the necessary details such as customer information, contract value, type, and start and end dates. You can also add content and attachments before saving the contract.

Can I customize contract templates in BizCore?

Yes, you can create and manage predefined HTML templates for contracts. These templates can be customized and inserted directly into the contract editor, making it easy to maintain consistency across multiple agreements.

How does the renewal process work for contracts?

BizCore allows you to renew contracts by clicking on the “Contract Renewal History” button within the contract details. The system auto-populates existing contract details, allowing you to quickly review and save the renewal. You can also track all renewals with history logs.

Can I receive notifications for contract expirations?

Yes, BizCore provides expiration notifications for contracts. You can customize who receives these notifications, including additional email alerts, ensuring you never miss a renewal or important deadline.

Is it possible to attach documents to contracts?

Absolutely! You can upload and manage attachments for each contract. These files will be visible to customers and can be downloaded as needed, providing easy access to all relevant contract documentation.

How do I manage the visibility of contracts?

BizCore allows you to control the visibility of contracts. You can choose to hide certain contracts from customers, ensuring that only authorized individuals have access to sensitive information.

Can I track the financial value of my contracts?

Yes, BizCore includes contract value management, allowing you to assign and track the financial value of each contract. This feature helps you maintain accurate financial records within the module.

How do I generate a PDF version of a contract?

After adding content to your contract, you can compile it into a PDF by clicking on the PDF generation option. This PDF can be easily shared with customers via email directly from the module.

Can I filter and search for specific contracts?

Yes, BizCore provides robust filter and search options within the Contracts Module. You can quickly find and manage specific contracts based on various criteria, making it easy to stay organized.

How does BizCore handle contract expirations?

When a contract expires, BizCore can notify you and other designated recipients via email. Expired contracts are also highlighted in the list view with a red background, ensuring that they are easily identifiable.

What happens if I no longer need a contract?

If a contract is no longer needed, you can move it to the trash within BizCore. You have the option to either restore it later or permanently delete it, depending on your requirements.